Business name: Pochi
Type of business: Filtered water (bagged, bottled, 5 gal), flavored water, Cola products (not on the market yet)
Years in business: 20
Number of employees: 8 full-time
Production per month: 900,000 bags
How and why did the business get started: Pochi water is named after Yasmin’s daughter, Xochi. Yasmin started the business with her own funds and Pochi has been steadily growing for the last 20 years. Her husband and daughter help with the business, too.
Type of business: Filtered water (bagged, bottled, 5 gal), flavored water, Cola products (not on the market yet)
Years in business: 20
Number of employees: 8 full-time
Production per month: 900,000 bags
How and why did the business get started: Pochi water is named after Yasmin’s daughter, Xochi. Yasmin started the business with her own funds and Pochi has been steadily growing for the last 20 years. Her husband and daughter help with the business, too.
Recent successes or changes: Pochi has installed solar panels in the bagged water area. We joked last trip about “raising the roof.” She has successfully done so, and this allows natural light into the production area, saves her money on electricity. The panels also help boil all the water and clean the 5 gallon bottles.
Current challenges: The government has taken all sugary drinks out of the schools, so Pochi is thinking about producing her bagged juices with all natural products. She knows that the 5 gallon business is just as profitable (if not more) than the bagged water. She currently has one contract, but would like to obtain more.
Description of most recent Wake Forest Consulting Project: We presented Yasmin with a new Pochi logo, and she loved it. She wants us to play around with altering the logo to reflect branded house or house of brands. She is still flip-flopping on this situation. We also gave her a large list of slogans and phrases for her water, juice, and cola. Her favorite was Pure Perfection for the filtered water. She is trying to become more sophisticated, simple, and clean-lined, but still fun.
Notable Quote: Not word for word because we didn’t write it down, but paraphrased: “I know I can be a stubborn woman, and when I first started coming to seminars I thought that I was right about everything. I had a hard time accepting new ways of thinking. Now, I realize that you must be open to other people’s thinking and suggestions. They still might not always be right, but listening and thinking can help your business really grow.”
-Written by Tori Peterson, MBA '10
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