Program and year: MA '10
Hometown: Williamsburg, VA
Number of visits to Nicaragua: 1
Which seminars did you teach?
Record Keeping
Favorite Project Nicaragua memory:
Individual consulting with Javier was incredibly valuable. He seemed really moved that we were down there to give him whatever advice we could, and I was blown away by his perseverance with his production despite a stint of bad luck. Although I hadn’t worked on any of his deliverables prior to the trip, I found his story touching, and I enjoyed the challenge of thinking about possible solutions in a different setting that would be practical for Javier’s nature of business.
What was your greatest learning moment on this trip?
My greatest learning moment occurred while driving around to the different businesses. It was a huge reality check to note how different the business climate operates and how not only are these small businesses competing with large corporate giants, but also a corrupt government.
While speaking with Caleb, I got a sense for his integrity since he and his mother were unwilling to compromise their values in order to increase their profits. Additionally, the willingness of the participants at the center to learn was very touching. Their drive and determination in such a difficult economy was inspiring.
While speaking with Caleb, I got a sense for his integrity since he and his mother were unwilling to compromise their values in order to increase their profits. Additionally, the willingness of the participants at the center to learn was very touching. Their drive and determination in such a difficult economy was inspiring.
What surprised you the most about Nicaragua and your experience visiting the country?
I was surprised by the success of a lot of the owners. I tended to underestimate their expertise and their level of sophistication but these owners are incredibly successful. I would hope that they use each other as resources in the BPN community because even with such varying types of businesses, they still face many of the same challenges.
How has Project Nicaragua affected your business school experience?
Project Nicaragua has given me the true perspective that I have lacked at business school. We often discuss the giants in the corporate world, but it is important to remember that globally, there are hundreds of thousands of small businesses and individuals who are making a living in much harsher conditions. As an MA in Management candidate, I do not have a lot of experience but I have gained a global perspective now that I may have never had without this opportunity. This experience was absolutely incredible and I feel lucky to have had the opportunity to learn from my peers, and also business owners who have achieved so much from few resources.
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